Use Compatibility Matrix to get kubectl access to running clusters within minutes or less. This allows you to more easily test your code in a range of different environments before releasing to customers.

Quickly provisions ephemeral clusters of different Kubernetes distributions and versions, such as OpenShift, EKS, and Replicated kURL.
Know you can successfully deploy to every customer the first time.
Use Compatibility Matrix to get kubectl access to running clusters within minutes or less. This allows you to more easily test your code in a range of different environments before releasing to customers.
Compatibility Matrix provides clusters that spin up when you need them, and tear down when you’re done.
You can create customer-representative deployment environments using kind, OpenShift, and everything in between.
Catch bugs and make deployment optimizations in these Compatibility Matrix environments, before you release to your enterprise customers.
Example use cases for Compatibility Matrix include:
Validate compatibility with supported Kubernetes distributions before releasing a new version of your application.
Reproduce a reported issue on a customer-representative environment for troubleshooting.
Get access to a cluster to develop on and quickly test changes.
"A single cluster running in Azure just to run our integration tests used to cost us between 6... 7... 8,000 euros a month. Compatibility Matrix is an awesome alternative. You can get an OpenShift cluster in seconds because there are hot clusters running all the time. We can integrate them into our github actions, get a cluster, pay just for the seconds we use it and then drop it again."