The Replicated Platform:

Distribute your App to your Customers

A unified platform bringing everything you need to efficiently manage, test, install, support, and measure the distribution of your app.

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product overview

Replicated Value

Replicated brings everything you need to efficiently handle the toughest requirements around delivering your app to your customers. Our platform is designed around the needs of your organization to help simplify complex tasks. Don’t try to build all these capabilities yourself! Instead reduce your effort and cost with a trusted solution.

Replicated Platform

The best way to distribute your software to enterprise customers of every size in the most complex environments, including air-gap.

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We build tools to enable thousands of vendors to deliver products for millions of enterprise users to deliver services to billions of people.

grant miller, replicated ceo
  • The vendor portal enables you to effectively manage your app, releases, and channels, and set up how you want it to run consistently - even in very diverse environments.

  • Install scripts give you simple cut & paste commands to install your app in a K8s cluster, or even create a new cluster specific to your app. You can leverage Helm with or without our open source tooling for Kubernetes.

  • The admin console helps your customers prepare, install, update, and run the app in their environment.

  • The download portal provides access to packaged software, ready to go, for offline and air-gapped environments.

  • APIs and CLIs can be used to automate most tasks.

Replicated Platform Components

Replicated Platform Capabilities by Role

Product Team

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Manage releases, channels, and features

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Implement licensing and entitlements

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Drive adoption of new versions

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Gain insights on customers and usage

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Engineering Team

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Push updates & versions

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Document testing

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Manage integration & compatibility

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Compatibility Testing

engineering team

Security Team

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Reduce exposure

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Patch Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs)

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Build trust

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Keep customers on latest patched versions

Field, SE, SA Team

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Install POCs & production

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Check apps and hosts

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Deliver training

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Generate keys

field SEs and AEs

Support Team

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Track issues

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Gather config & log info

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Enable self-help

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Reproduce issues in customer environments

support team

Your Customers

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Install apps

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Roll out updates

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Open issues

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Send logs

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Backup & restore

How it Helps

Building your own application installer is a painstaking arduous task that seems to go on and on forever, and just when you think things are going your way, it all blows up in the customer environment. You'll need to account for challenges including:


Different clouds like AWS, GCP, and Azure, and a dizzying array of instances

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Different K8s platforms like Red Hat OpenShift and VMware Tanzu, plus different operating systems

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Multiple tools and architectures to handle all those complex environments

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Limited or zero access to ultra-secure air-gapped locations


Endless back and forth with increasingly frustrated customers

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Rapid changes in open source K8s components

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Unlimited variability in configurations around ingress, storage, and add-on projects


Inability to issue patches to CVEs in a timely manner or see if they have been applied


Difficulty integrating CI/CD or GitOps processes

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Team burnout and increasing fragility of your tools over time

Vendor Success

Sophos Factory has signed clients in military, government, and banking who need on-prem deployments of their DevSecOps platform. They needed scalable delivery to air gapped deployments, deliver self-managed/automatic updates, and control end user licenses and credit consumption. Replicated is enabling their sales team to target these high value customers.

Explore the Replicated Platform

See how Replicated supports every piece of the Software Distribution Lifecycle.

Ready to get started?

Contact us if you'd like a demo, or try out the product for free.